Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liberalism: Your Brain on Drugs

MSNBC, and most of the liberal press is the equivalent of a drug-addled crack head.  They are so disappointed the Times Square bomber wasn't an angry, white, rightwing teabagger:
"There was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country..." (BreitbartTV)
Try reporting from Saudi Arabia dressed like that, cupcake. 

This woman is stupid. Or she's on drugs. I can find no other plausible solution for such idiotic statements.  And yes, I called her a cupcake.  She's a twinkie; sickly sweet cream filling on the inside and a brain pan full of sponge cake, mostly air, fluffy and completely superfluous.

Questions, the Anti-Drug 

Why can't Big Government stop an oil spill?
Why Can't Big Government stop terrorists from entering our country, even with the aid of a no fly list?

More importantly, why is Big Government NATURALIZING TERRORISTS?

Sahibi Wazoozi or whatthehellever his name is was A US CITIZEN!!! (I refuse to call him an American)  If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach there's no help for you.

If we had a real press, one that doesn't laugh at the president's comedy routine while an environmental disaster is in progress, they would ask these questions.  Instead, we have the US version of Pravda. 

At least Pravda, to their credit, openly admitted they were owned by the regime...


TKZ said...

WOW!! She thinks we're racist because he turned out to be from Pakistan and a Muslim? That is quite a stretch!! Sounds like she FAVORS him for his race, which would mean she disfavors someone else for theirs... RACIST!

So, who did she HOPE it would be, I wonder, but of course I already know the answer. His religion and ethnicity are inconvenient for her politics, so she pulled out the liberal card stack and picked the "call them all racists" one. I'm sure she wanted it to be a rich white Republican male.

But wasn't she supposed to be a reporter instead of a political propagandist? You hit it on the nose Silverfiddle. Pravda it is! I'm sick and tired of them getting away with calling their political agenda news. And I'm tired of being called a racist because a terrorist turned out to be a Pakistani Muslim. That wasn't my fault, and his race doesn't make me a racist for noting that he's just another Jihadist.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Libs are nuts over this?

I was listening to Michael Medved yesterday (radio) and he got a caller saying basically (get this) that the Fox News Tea Party Movement would want to claim this terrorist as their own so as to be more racially inclusive???? At which point Medved informed the caller that it was being reported the tepporist is a registered democrat.

Silence is golden.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Kinda rushing here,,sorry for the typo above---terrorist

Leticia said...

I don't even know what to think? Are people really that ignorant? Hard to believe they made it past elementary school let alone getting degrees.

I suppose she like most libs were hoping it was one of us from the TEA Party movement. Sorry to disappoint them but we do not believe in harming or killing anyone that disagrees with us. THAT'S WHAT MUSLIMS DO!

Ray said...

Gettin good there Kurt..Leticia is so right on that, I can't freakin believe how stupid people really are today.

No cliche, I used to get angry when other people called Americans stupid, and they're wrong about 1/2 of us but man they got that side pegged alright.

It is a mental disorder, that's all, and this country is really in serious danger. Our best people are coming to the end of their roads man..Scary.

Silverfiddle said...

@ Chicago Ray:
"I used to get angry when other people called Americans stupid, and they're wrong about 1/2 of us...

LOL! Classic, Ray!

But the Hooteries are the real danger!

Endo_2011 said...

her speaking is kind of like BO without his prompter. clueless

Finntann said...

All in all I'd rather be blown up by a Philadelphian. W.C. Fields on my Ouiji Board 5/5/10

Always On Watch said...

MSNBC, and most of the liberal press is the equivalent of a drug-addled crack head. They are so disappointed the Times Square bomber wasn't an angry, white, rightwing teabagger.

Even worse: Most Americans are sucking up the swill from the lamestream media.

Ray said...

Right when I saw her face I said "oh, this dumb, lefty %$#@!, Cuntessa Brewer..(sic, lol, and all that.. s**t)

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