Granted, it's an Applause (el cheapo Ovation), but it's got a great sound and feel to it as well as having integrated pickups. I went and read up on it at internet sites, and all the reviewers seemed pleasantly surprised by it, which made me feel better since this was a spur of the moment thing and I'm not a bass expert.
At most guitar places here in town you have to special order one of these things and you're going to pay over $700. I love acoustic instruments, so I couldn't resist when I saw it. I play fiddle, so the fretless thing doesn't scare me. Cheater dots on the neck help you hit the notes. I don't sound too bad, although Sonny Boy Silverfiddle does much better than the old man.
I was especially surprised to find a full 34" long scale model. All the info on the internet mentions only a short scale version (maybe I've got a collector's item???)
Anyway, I'm jazzed (Grunge rocked?). It's the simple pleasures that bring the most joy...
Silver, I was hoping to hear a few chords. Maybe you will post a video soon?
And now you need to make a video of you playing and post it on youtube ... so we can tell if you know how to play it.
You've pretty much seen the limits of my self-promotion...
Nothing wrong with less expensive instruments. Long ago, I did away with the mindset of only vintage instruments are better. Some are, and some aren't. About four years ago I ran across a Blueridge Br 7S model for $500.00. This instrument is made in China, and well crafted. I would put this instrument up against any off the line Martin D-28's, and I enjoy the sound more than many Santa Cruz Guitars, Bouergois, or Collings. Only problem is the neck is too narrow for my large hands. This apparently is a common complaint. I may have a luthier replace the neck with a Taylor neck, which will give me a perfect dreadnaught. Yes, this model is a bluegrass cannon! Other brands such as Epiphone Heritage series, and Parkwood are excellent guitars in the $500>00 to $700.00 range.
Nice to take a break from fighting tyranny, with a post such as this. I can't wait till the day comes when I can ease up on expanding my knowledge of the opposition, and what to do about it. After all, music is my first love. And by the way, Silverfiddle, I may not comment frequently, but I do read your blog everyday.
Thanks, William. Wouldn't it be great to be able to drop all the politics and just blog about music, camping, shooting and other of life's simple pleasures?
Playing music is a great way to wind down at the end of the day.
I have the opposite problem you have. My hands aren't that big, so I don't like thick necks.
I have a Guild D-16 I got back in the early 80's. It was expensive at the time, but the neck and the action was so sweet, I fell in love immediately.
I missed this post man.. Sorry. Very cool, I didn't know you played bass. Very few and far between to find a good bass player. I'm looking for one right now in Chicago and can't really find one my age that still plays.
Then again most 45 year old men are married with children and don't have time to pursue their musical aspirations. I'm back playing a couple hours a day and getting back to where I was before this detour came along a decade ago.
I put some goofing around youtubes up at the other blog and will track online my pursuit of my lost music career over the coming months.
Check em out Fiddle man and folks here if you wish.
I'm still a little.. crippled so give a little break ;) couple more months I'll be tearing it up and you'll see it.
I'm a really crappy bass player, so you couldn't use me. I do play 6 string pretty good, was in a band in my younger days. I just got the bass because I thought it'd be a coo thing to have.
Innerwebz connection is very limited. I'm up in the mountains with the family...
I've saved the link and will check it out when I get back home. And I won't cut you any slack1 I'm sure it's awesome.
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