Saturday, May 1, 2010

Louisiana Oil Slick Covering Obama Affair?

Rumors are flying that Barack Obama cheated with a nice-looking young gal named Vera Baker. I guess Michelle is none too happy.  Right Blogistan is alight with excited chatter at the unverified rumors.  Feed Your ADHD has a great photo Montage.

Here is a typical comment:
The Wise Latina Said...

Interesting.  I always thought the guy was gay.  Look at how other gay men like Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, David Brooks and Rachel Maddow gush over him.

I tend to agree with Wise Latina, kinda...  We may be jumping the gun.

On the other hand, if we apply a little liberal logic...  

Clinton bombed Serbia to try to cover his molestation of a barely-legal girl in the Oval Office...

George Bush invaded Iraq to cover his serial bumblings and to whip up patriotic fervor so he could get reelected...

Now, a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico causes an environmental catastrophe that grips the nation's attention.



Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Well an affair for a democrat be it hetero or not is nothing new for a liberal so the big oil, big spill-no drill debacle is yet just another distraction from the real problems he created;

Debt, deficiet, unemployment, health care, Iraqi violence rising, Afghanistan dragging, Iranian nukes, North Korean nukes, Russian hair-trigger on nukes, snubbing all our allies including Israel, helping our enemies besides those already listed like Cuba, Venezeula, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Al Quida and of course the current illegal immigrant issue.

If I left anything out I apologize as the list gets longer by the hour but then again proves my point; This (oil rig/slick) is not about an affair but rather distraction from the previous disaster the POS made.

As has been said before; Watch the other hand.

Snarky Basterd said...

It would certainly explain why it took him 8 days to respond.

Lisa said...

Even if true the only play it would get would be the blogosphere.
Even if he had an affair with a man.

Maybe he needed an escape from Michelle's "beat downs".
When he was first candidate Obama and him and Michelle did interviews together,he looked like he was waiting for his cue's from her to speak.

Silverfiddle said...

I think it also explains all the "uhms" and the stuttery answers. He may well be suffering from battered man syndrome.

Finntann said...

Be it John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Tiger Woods, or Barrack Obama...

It is not politics, it is gossip, and should be beneath us in political discourse.


Silverfiddle said...

Every blog needs a conscience, Finntann.

I don't like this kind of gossip either, but this is just a little Saturday gossip, and a chance to post a chopped picture....

Finntann said...

I must at times dissent, lest I be accused of being your Bishop...roflol

Linda said...

Maybe the affair was to cover his less than expedient response to the oil spill of historic proportions. Which is scarier, an angry Michelle or environmentalists holding oily little birdies?

(No, I'm not trying to minimize the tragedy of this oil spill on wildlife. It is very sad, indeed.)

Canadian Pragmatist said...

How are you not trying to minimize it Linda? You can't just take it back after you've done it.

Silverfiddle said...

I thought you sounded a little curmudgeonly and high-minded, Finn.

I just couldn't resist. You can publish an editorial retraction on behalf of the entire staff of Western Hero next time.

@CP: You can't just take it back after you've done it.

Sure you can! Obama and the Demogogicrats does it all the time!

thewiselatina said...

Gracias por incluir mi commentario!

Linda said...

CP ~ Lighten up. It was tongue-in-cheek...maybe a poor attempt at humor, but an attempt, nonetheless!

Silverfiddle said...

Linda, CP is a dour Nietzschean, and a liberal one at that. He doesn't know how to lighten up, so don't worry about it.

RealityZone said...

A Bishop needs a clear path to maneuver.
Working in unison with your Knight is an awesome attack.
But beware.
You are the Queens sacrificial lamb.

Always On Watch said...

Michelle Obama in a furor over her being the wronged woman would be fearsome.

Frankly, I don't quite understand how that oil leak happened. Weren't there safely devices in place?

Silverfiddle said...

AOW: I wonder the same thing about the oil rig accident. The news is saying that BP did not have all the measures in place that they should have.

Who knows?

Anonymous said...

This affair smells Real. I did a google image search and to NOT have your finance camp. director on ANY of your pictures is just way too ODD!

No wonder there is no time to fix the economy, fix immigration problems, fix oil spill problem, etc.

A Suburban Voter said...

Whatever Obama's faults I doubt he'll be stupid enough to cheat. And no oil spill is big enough to prevent the world's press from carrying the scoop of the decade. And as for the hints Obama's gay, and the photoshopped pics on Feed your ADHD's blog, well grow up guys. If you're fancied by a gay person does that make you gay yourself? to be honest, the reason the West now has liberals in charge is because the right are so poor at marshalling their arguments. They have valid points about the current administration as well as social policy by the left all over the west, and then ruin it by swivel-eyed racism and juvenile comments like commenting on Obama's sexuality. If you guys wish to be taken seriously and you want conservative politics to prevail in America, then discuss the many issues and don't give the impression you're finding it so difficult to handle a darker guy being the boss.

Silverfiddle said...

Suburban: Interesting how it always ends up on race... and it's not the conservatives who steer it there...

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