Remember all these "Conservatives for Obama?" Well, they're clamoring over one another to jump off the bandwagon...
Pity poor millionaire media mogul Mort Zuckerman. He's a mushy middler who still doesn't realize that the middle of the road is where all the cars are; and they're coming from both directions.
First he got taken by financial scammer Bernie Madoff, and then political charlatan Obama comes along and steals what's left of his innocence.
Mortimer's plaint is summed up in the title of his brilliant and direct piece, He's Done Everything Wrong: It is quite a bill of attainder against his erstwhile hero who once descended from the sky to orate among the Grecian columns:
He’s misjudged the character of the country...There's no fool like an old fool, but at least this one seems to be waking up.
This health-care plan is going to be a fiscal disaster for the country.
In the campaign, he said he would change politics as usual. He did change them. It’s now worse than it was.
I’ve now seen the kind of buying off of politicians that I’ve never seen before. It’s politically corrupt and it’s starting at the top. It’s revolting.
It’s a bizarre form of political corruption. It’s bribery. I suppose they could say, that’s the system. He was supposed to change it or try to change it.
He’s lost his audience. He has not rallied public opinion. He has plunged in the polls more than any other political figure since we’ve been using polls. He’s done everything wrong. Well, not everything, but the major things.
I don’t consider it a triumph. I consider it a disaster.
Let me tell you what a major leader said to me recently. “We are convinced,” he said, “that he is not strong enough to confront his enemy. We are concerned,” he said “that he is not strong to support his friends.”
Needs More Plouffian Bullshit!
Don't worry Mort! The Hope and Change Propaganda Machine blew it's mainspring, that's all. The White House is bringing back BS artist David Plouffe to fix it all. Maybe his buddy Cass Sunstein can just nudge us...
Yes, that's the ticket. Got substantive policy problems? Bury them in liberal loads of political BS!
It's about time people are realizing what a huge mistake it was to embrace Obama. Thank goodness there were many of us, but not enough, who had the foresight of what was to come.
Obama is destroying our nation and what is worse, our enemies can see it and rejoice. They know that Obama is incapable of combating terrorism at any level. He has left this nation naked and vulnerable.
The dead Somali pirates would disagree with your position that "Obama is incapable of combating terrorism at any level" but they are dead along with scores more terrorists killed by President Obama.
Being a "conservative for Obama" is like being a Capitalist for Marx. You can only call yourself that until you learn that they are diametrically opposed.
Mort Zuckerman is the gauge of politics in America? Excuse me while I kill my family and then shoot myself. It's truly friggin' over if that's the case. (No, I didn't kill anyone, including this Silverfiddle posting guy here, but you get my point. No?)
Gene: I like the argument that Obama is killing more people than Bush, and Bush never got a peace prize for his efforts.
I like TKZ's analogy. Very apt.
No Snarky, Mort is not the gauge, but he's one more Obama voter whining because Obama is doing exactly what anyone who looked at his half-page resume concluded he would do. Left turn, Clyde!
A true conservative would never have voted for BO in the first place. This guy is a fraud just like the stinky one himself........
Jamw96: So true. Some like to put themselves upon a pedestal by thinking themselves more high minded than the dirty rightwing rabble.
Actually Bush killed more people it's just that they were innocent Iraqis whereas Obama takes time and ensures the targets are actual terrorists.
Did you hear about that Marxist in Alabama demanding money from the Federal Government? Gosh we have to get these evil commies out of office
First time I've ever heard Senator Shelby referred to as a commie...
However, when the Feral Government bursts all bounds and usurps the rights of the states and the people, this is the kind of grab-bag free for all that happens.
So you're a small government man then, eh Gene?
Obama takes time and ensures the targets are actual terrorists.
How does he do this..does he wait for them to blow something up to identify them as a terrorist.
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