Thursday, June 17, 2010

Democrats Accused of Stealing Communist Party Agenda

"They stole our entire platform, rebranded it 'progressive', and claimed it as their own," declared a CPUSA spokesperson at a press conference in San Francisco. "And we communists say, not so fast!

The Communist Party representative explained that government ownership of the auto and financial industries, redistribution of wealth, and free rationed healthcare have always been among the glorious CPUSA objectives: "We held on to these goals through all the difficult years of factional infighting, purges, denunciations, and heroic espionage on behalf of the Soviet intelligence services. (The People's Cube)

The Democratic Party responded by kicking off it's 2012 presidential campaign.  You decide...


Trestin said...

It l0oks like he found time to read that book.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah. It's amazing how similar the goals of these two men are...

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Not really amazing, Hussein just has a large and free population to deal with as opposed to Chavez, it takes longer.

WomanHonorThyself said...

frightening image Silver but so spot on! would u believe this Oil spill fiasco..billions and there ANYTHING Hussein O doesnt want to control!!! argg!!!!

Leticia said...

This is very disturbing and accurately true.

Silverfiddle said...

... And I am one of those people who criticize others for loosely throwing around terms like "communist."

I don't think Obama is one, but look at the similarities! I didn't make any of this up.

Will said...

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, goes the old saying; so Lenin must be proud that his useful idiots are right on schedule.

Finntann said...

Despite the Onionesque headline, you had me going for about 7 seconds. Of course, I didn't see the Obama-Chavez poster until I returned from The People's Cube and scrolled down.

Scary thing is they probably have a case... ROFLMAO

Love the website, have you read up on their history?

The People's Cube is named after its flagship product, a Rubik's Cube that is red on all six sides, thereby ensuring equal results for all who attempt to solve it, with no potential loss of self-esteem.


Silverfiddle said...

Finn: I did not know that. I guess that explains Marx working a rubiks cube...

I've been a big fan for quite awhile. I loved their Neologisms for the new Biden-Webster Dictionary

My favorite:

Changle: a con game where the mark is duped into believing some condition has changed when it hasn't (see "hopeable")

Finntann said...

If you like The People's Cube, you'll just love Che-mart dot com by the same folks.


Most Rev. Gregori said...

I still think the BP oil disaster was either sabotage or a set up by the leftists to give Obama another crisis so that he could stop all off shore drilling and take over the oil industry.

Lisa said...

And I am one of those people who criticize others for loosely throwing around terms like "communist

He may not be one but Frank Marshall Davis was.

TKZ said...

WOW!! Great find, Silverfiddle!! Whether he is or is not he sure seems to think like one!

Silverfiddle said...

The Peoples Cube rocks!

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