Friday, March 26, 2010

Power to the People!

Here's a new requirement the health care bill levies on insurance companies:

Insurers also will have to reveal how much of members’premiums they spend on medical care, as opposed to executivesalaries or other administrative costs. Next year, they’ll owe arebate to customers if the insurers spend less than 80 percenton benefits for people in individual or small-group plans.(Bloomberg)

I think this is an excellent idea!  In fact, it should be imposed on government as well:

$ - 80%  of education must be spent on teachers and the classroom, or we get a rebate!

$ - 80% of welfare and food assistance must go directly to poor people. If the poverty numbers don't come down, fire congress.

$ - If any government program spends more than 20% on salaries or overhead, fire the bureaucratic blubberpots who administer the program, disband the department, and return the money to the taxpayer!

Power to the People!


Joe said...

Hold it! Hold it! The government is exempt from all its own rules and regulations and gets to adjust them to fit themselves whenever and however they see fit.

It's only right (make that: left)

Anonymous said...

Power to the People! no to the Constitution. It is insane how Mr Obama is destroying the U.S.A. The last resource that we have sitting at #1 is getting ready to become manslaughtered by this administration! Defense! as Mr Obama seeks bipartisan support on the US-Russian Nuclear weapon reduction. OMFG. how many more layoffs will come from this too?

What Was I Thinking? said...

I loved reading your blog...thanks for it.

WomanHonorThyself said...

good garsh with this health care nightmare! Have a beautiful weekend despite the insanity my friend!:)

Linda said...

Common sense concepts have never caught on in Washington, so I wouldn't get my hopes up. Your ideas are great, though. I think a good law involving mandatory jail time for fraud and corruption convictions would be another good addition. (Though it is difficult to get prosecution off the ground in DC, esp. when the crook involved is a Democrat!

Anonymous said...

The Gov should only be involved in two things 1. Mail Delivery and 2. Defense! We can't even deliver the mail efficiently anymore. Today as I pull out to get the mail, it was 6 pm. My first question was, Is this postman on overtime? wait, I though the postal office had no work hence consideration of Saturday deliveries. Our gov is definitely backwards.

Endo_2011 said...

Today, I went to the post office to get my annual physical. It wasn't too bad, the line was only an hour and 45 minutes long. The only problem was that the guy next to me didn't have any money for his stamps or his co pay. Instead of asking him to leave, he was given priority treatment because they didn't want' to be accused of favoritism so I was asked to wait an extra 20 minutes. Once I got my turn to see the recently hired 23 year old graduate from Western URSCREWED State, I was told that I had to share my heart medicine with my wife, since one of us was most likely going to die soon in the next 30 years, no sense wasting the "good stuff" on me.

After leaving the PO, I went directly to the DMV to get my prescription filled for our shared heart medicine. Unfortunately, I didn't take a ticket and ended up spending an extra 3 hours because I had to move to the back of the line. I got home just in time to watch O'Reilly...Yeah!

I hope tomorrow is a better day. I have to go to see my banker about having my mortgage payment waived for the next 2 years. I hear this is the next big thing....However, the fact that I have a job and a steady income, may cut back my freebie to 1 year...Cross your fingers....

Silverfiddle said...

WMUR: Witty and humorous, but we'll look back on your words in a few years and hail you as a prophet of doom.

Fredd said...

'Our government has become all evil and junk.'

Actual quote from an anonymous 14 year old Illinois public school student, 3/24/2010. I'm in complete agreement with the sentiment, if not the way it was put.

Silverfiddle said...

Fredd, your dispatched from deep blue Illinois are giving me hope that there may be change afoot!

Pamela D. Hart said...

Silverfiddle: I love your ideas. However, Government exempts themselves from common sense, rules, oaths, or the law in general.

Silverfiddle said...

Oh Pamela, I know I'm spitting in the wind :(

I just can't help pointing this stuff out, especially when it's so obvious.

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