Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Marketplace of Ideas

Free Speech Means Free Speech for All
Advocates for marijuana and condoms enter the public square and argue their cause, why not those arguing for abstinence and self-control?  The gay rights agenda marches on, carried by the media and popular culture outlets.  But Christians defending traditional marriage is out of bounds?

Islam good, Christianity Bad:  This is your brain on Liberalism
First NBC told Veggie Tales to tone down their Christian message, now we get a Muslim superhero show aimed at our kids.

We are continually told how wonderful Islam is, despite evidence world-wide to the contrary.  Stonings, floggings, beheadings, bombings.  Rapists go unpunished because the woman's testimony is worth less than the man's.  "Men" perform "honor killings" because their fragile manhood is destroyed when a daughter or sister looks at a boy.

People are called bigoted and hateful by apologist dhmimmis on the left when they point out the historical fact that Islam has a poor track record of coexistence with infidels.

Where's the rightwing theocracy?
Meanwhile, this same progressive crowd continues screaming about the religious right imposing a theocracy, despite a paucity of evidence.  Since the advent of the Moral Majority in the early 80's, every moral ill they stand against has increased, not decreased.  But the bigoted lefties stubbornly goose-step on, dutifully ignoring all evidence that contradicts their world view. 

This is the problem with modern-day "liberalism." It isn't very liberal when dealing with issues that don't fit the dogma.  And for a crowd that loves shouting "science!" at all who disagree with them, they sure do a right studious job of ignoring the facts that don't fit.

America is a free marketplace of ideas
We are all free to speak, and others are free to listen or to ignore, but this doesn't satisfy the statist progressives. No. They want to use the power of the state to shut up those they disagree with, or at least demonize and marginalize their ideological opponents to avoid debating them.

Modern-day liberalism is an incoherent mess and resembles not at all the classical liberalism they stole the name from.


Brooke said...

I think your last line sums up the left nicely: an incoherent mess.

Randy said...

Love the last line!

TKZ said...

Cause you can't let those pesky facts get in the way of progress!! ;o)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

As a moderate who's been on the receiving end of a lot "liberal love", too, I can certainly relate to your overall premise here.....And to think, I had always thought it was the right who had the litmus tests.

Linda said...

Quote ~ "We are all free to speak, and others are free to listen or to ignore, but this doesn't satisfy the statist progressives. No. They want to use the power of the state to shut up those they disagree with, or at least demonize and marginalize their ideological opponents to avoid debating them."

Truer statements were never uttered, Silver! Way to hit the old nail on the head...

Mustang said...

Fee speech is never free.

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