Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reagan vs. Obama (It's no contest)

Yes, the Great Recession started under President Bush, but economic uncertainty under President Obama continually gives it new life. Meanwhile, economic ignorance fuels progressive rage against the machine

Frank J. Donatelli provides a comparison that pushes back against progressive ignorance
He (Obama) has said that he inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. He didn’t. The economies inherited by both President Gerald Ford in 1974 and Reagan in 1981 were far worse.

Obama has said the stimulus has saved 3 million jobs. It hasn’t. We have nearly that many fewer jobs than before the stimulus was passed in February 2009, and the unemployment rate is 1½ percentage points higher than what he claimed would be the high point once his program was enacted.

Obama has said he is doing all he can to revive the economy. Actually, he’s doing too much. The economic uncertainty that his “historic” health care and budget bills have created is doing more to hold back economic growth than anything else. Companies are hoarding cash rather than invest in Obama’s uncertain economic climate.

As a result, the recovery is anemic by historic standards.

So we have two historic presidents. Both inherited bad economies. One cut spending and taxes, and then, 17 months later, the economy boomed. The other increased taxes and spending. It’s now 17 months later.

Mr. President, we’re waiting.

Further Reading
Obama, Reagan, and the Economy
Peter Ferrara - Timeless Principles of Prosperity


Ray said...

Good post Sf ....you nail the very heart of their disbelief that America isn't 'throwing flowers' at them for 'saving' us all from ourselves (eyes roll)

In reality it's more like 'when this fails with all the headwind they had behind it [not to mention unfettered power] liberalism is dead on arrival forever' having already petered out in EuroAbia.

All their artillery is gone. No climate change, no liberal world order, their 3 kings are naked emperors (Slick,obama,gore) and the end for them all is near.

Liberalism should be outlawed the same as Nazi-ism and Islam should be. Radical I know, but all three are proven anti western, deadly, Satan facilitating cults.

Grung_e_Gene said...

You're right Obama didn't cut and run and embolden Islamic Terrorists after those terrorists attacked the Marines like Reagan the chicken hawk coward did...

WomanHonorThyself said...

Obama has said the stimulus has saved 3 million jobs. It hasn’t. We have nearly that many fewer jobs than before the stimulus was passed in February 2009,..and he keeps lying Silver!

Silverfiddle said...

You're right Gene. Gotta give the O-man credit there. He's killing way more Pakistanis that Bush and Cheney ever dreamed of!

Linda said...

A person who studies the actions taken so far by Obama to "save the economy" may surmise that most of the deleterious effects appear to have been intentional. How could a person who attains the position of President of the United States be THAT inept when it comes to economic matters? Especially when you see how many economists and advisors from his own party are telling him to keep the Bush tax cuts at least until there is more improvement in the employment outlook. He is STILL talking about ending the tax cuts. He refuses to detour from his agenda even in the face of recommendations from his own people.

Silverfiddle said...

Obama's ineptitude should surprise no one, Linda. He had no experience whatsoever

Mr Beardsley said...

The lefties seem to forget so quickly who has been in control of congress for the past 4 years. I know all the cool kids like to blame Bush for it all, but it's just getting ridiculous. Even more so to have the president go on The View of all shows to spread more, "It's not my fault, it's the evil republicans!"

Linda said...

SF ~ That is true that Obama had no experience in any form of real work, but one would think that common sense would have revealed to him that you cannot continue to spend money that you must borrow and still expect to remain solvent. His actions seem too focused on harming our economy for it to have been inexperience. Just my opinion, of course!

Bastiatarian said...

Reagan = Man
Obama = Fop

Silverfiddle said...

Quite right. I haven't heard anyone use the word fop in a long time...

Bastiatarian said...

I don't often use the word "fop" in everyday speech, but I haven't been able to find any expression that describes Chairman BaO's fundamental nature better than "effete fop."

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