Monday, August 23, 2010

A Mosque at Ground Zero... Who's Stupider Than Us?

Look at this guy.  He is the new face of racism in America.  And he's one of the few sane people left in Manhattan.

Having plastered all rightwing tea baggers as racists, the left has now moved on to tarring ordinary working class New Yorkers with the same idiotic brush.

He's telling the liberal morons on the Manhattan dhimmi council to get a clue and turn down the Ground Zero Muslim Monument to Religious Chauvinism and Global Violence.

"Va Fangu!"  He seems to be shouting.  "Get your stinkin' mosque off our hallowed ground, jackass!"
 But nobody's listening...

Here's a beautiful quote from one of the Muslim authors of this desecration:  
Iman Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, stated that the planned community facility provided a much-needed space for parties and other venues for the area.(
A space for parties??? 
Who the hell would want to go to a party at an Islamic center?  Women wrapped head to toe in curtains peeking at you through a little slit, guys hollering from towers, no pork bbq, no booze, that irritating whine-through-the-nose music...

Yes, they have a constitutionally-protected right to build it...
But just because you can doesn't mean you should.  They want to "build bridges" and promote "cultural understanding?"  Pissing off 2/3 of the nation is a hell of a way to do it...

So, yeah, build that 13-story edifice, but make it a multi-cultural, multi-faith center.  The Muslims can have the first 11 floors.  Put a Christian Church on the 12th and a Jewish Temple on the top floor.  Lets see how these Muslims for peace and moderation and multicultural understanding react to that plan...

Better yet, build this building and make sure it's facing east.

* - Yes, this is a retread, but it's timely.  To make up for my laziness, here's Pat Condell on the issue.  He says it so much better than I ever could...


Always On Watch said...

Who the hell would want to go to a party at an Islamic center? Women wrapped head to toe in curtains peeking at you through a little slit, guys shouting from towers, no pork bbq, no booze, that irritating whine-through-the-nose music...


Actually, I've been to a party, an open house, at a mosque. Not particularly a good time, though the curry chicken was good.

The ruination of the open house, as far as I was concerned, was that Moslem call to prayer. Sheesh. Enough to makes dogs and cats howl, I tell you.

Endo_2011 said...

"Women wrapped head to toe in curtains peeking at you through a little slit, guys shouting from towers, no pork bbq, no booze,"

Man I am still laughing....

As to the Mosque, well, I just don't get it.

I would like to meet the person who actually thought this was a good idea.

Silverfiddle said...

I used to spend some time on a Kuwaiti base, and I remember the call to prayer. Seth, a civilian radio troop who lived downtown, said he had to put up with it all the time.

He called it the "kill whitey song."

They do know how to cook food over there, I loved the Shwarma. But you had to be careful or you could get sick. They don't use toilet paper (I'm not joking), so one guy who doesn't know how to wash his hand properly can quickly set you on the road to food poisoning.

TKZ said...

The whole mosque on ground zero thing makes me scratch my head. It just makes no sense. Racists kill thousands and then you're called a racist if you don't want them to build their church on top of the ash... huh??? Political correctness will be the jihad of us.

I vote for the middle finger building.

WomanHonorThyself said...

un real is what this is..imagine me here in NYC..I feel sick my friend!

Chris said...

No one is as dumb as us. But i can't find one conservative that is for this mosque it's all libs.

BO's OilSpillBlog said...

If this thing gets built it will be the biggest insult. I wish I were a hole in their Gulf ... I'd foul their moose-limb countries 6 ways from Sunday.

Lisa said...

I wonder how fast the liberals would cry foul if a Catholic church were built next to an abortion clinic that was previously bombed.

Anonymous said...

What do you think the insurance premium would be on a mosque at group zero ? Lol. Cause you know if its going up, someones gonna take it down. Hard. This nation is already pissed off now. There would be a riot.

Will said...

"No pork bbq, no Will! After all, what is a "party" without those two essential items? And if I want to hear that irritating whine-through-the-nose music, I'll break out my old Neil Young albums I bought back in 1970.

Finntann said...

In an effort to promote cross-cultural understanding, we'll be having a party next August 6th at the Hiroshima Prefectural Products Exhibition Hall.

Music will be provided by the DJ's Fat Man and Little Boy.

We will have lots of fried food, plenty of Kamikaze's to drink, and for those of you who like candy...we'll have generous bowls full of Atomic Fireballs.

We'll also have a fly-bys by the Confederate AF's B-29 "FIFI" and Wings over Kansas' B-29 "Doc"

What? You got a problem with that?

Hayden said...

In order to earn respect, one must give respect. The imams and everyone involved in this project Park51 is only out to show America and the world how the moselms got one over on the Americans. It is insensitive and outrageous that any political candidate would make such an ass out of the American people and themselves to allow this to go forth.

Silverfiddle said...

Gotta be baby backs and beer Will!

Finn, you're incorrigible, and Hayden hit the nail on the head: This is arrogant and insensitive.

Even Howard Scream gets it.

Bastiatarian said...

I wonder how much possibility there is that the basic idea is to build a victory mosque in that location, knowing that somebody might get mad enough to bomb it, etc., and then use that bombing as a rallying point to mobilize worldwide radical Islam for action against the U.S.

Might be a stretch, but then, at one point, so was the idea that a group of crazies would drive airplanes into a couple of skyscrapers.

Lisa said...

wow Bastiatarian very compelling and might I add not far fetched analysis.
Nothing worse than crazies guided by extremist views.
what a scary thought indeed.

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