Monday, August 2, 2010

Che Guevara Logo: The Red Badge of Stupidity

Conservative Pushback happens in the most unexpected places...

Those conservatives who despair that all is lost need to go here and read the comments criticizing the Che Guevara ring tone this Apple iPhone site is offering. This has to be the best pushback against liberal ignorance I have seen in a long time.

Here some of my favorite comments:
Mickey: Che was a murderer and a terrorist, and if alive today, if he had his way would have probably executed Apple executives. Ironic, the consummate Anti-Capitalist, is today a Commercial icon. “Hasta la victoria siempre” indeed!

Juandos: What sort of clueless, libtard asshole would want the rantings of this homicidal bastard on their iphone?

Fuckche: Ironically enough, the same rebellious youths who wear Che Guevara shirts most likely would’ve been targeted by Guevara had they grown up in Cuba. Guevara considered anyone who listened to rock and roll music, who wore his hair long, or who spoke up against him a delinquent. His very goal was to, “make individualism disappear from the nation!” He considered it, “criminal to think of individuals!” 
Perhaps these young American individualists should think twice before brandishing the picture of a man who persecuted “hippies, homosexuals, free-thinkers and poets,” and who employed constant surveillance, control, and repression.
I love it! Here are some actual Che Guevara quotes, proving once again that liberals in this country are ignorant dingbats for using this dogmatic sociopathic murderer as their symbol...
“The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities and booze, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.”

“My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood… Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any surrendered enemy that falls in my hands! With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!”

“Hatred as the central element of our struggle… Hatred that is intransigent… Hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine… We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow. The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”

“The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind! Against those hyenas there is no option but extermination! If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba) we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City!”

“Mexicans are a rabble of illiterate Indians.”
The left needs to apologize to Pat Buchanan.

Humberto Fontova has written a great piece on liberal ignorance at Canada Free Press Go read it!


Trestin said...

You know, I have never seen anyone wear one of those stupid T-shits in real life.

Silverfiddle said...

Oh I have...

And remember that Obama campaign staffer with the Che flag hanging on her office wall?

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Not a cell phone user here, I hate phones period, so I must inquire if these 'ringtones' are sold or are the free?

Either way Che anything is ridiculous and offensive but if this is to be a purchased item then ignorance would be an understatement.

Leticia said...

I have never seen one of those t-shirts, either, who would be dumb enough to parade in one, anyways?

I think I will stick with my Disciple ring tone.

Bastiatarian said...

I used to see a lot of Che shirts on campus, but recently it's not as common. Apparently, he's another victim of the fickle and fleeting nature of fashion.

Glenn Beck did a piece on Che a while back.

Rational Nation USA said...

"proving once again that liberals in this country are ignorant dingbats for using this dogmatic sociopathic murderer as their symbol."

Remember now, they can't help it. It is not their fault. 'Modern liberalism is a mental disorder.' ... Micheal Savage

senkumar000 said...

Why you twist the comments of che for your own purpose...
He didn't mean all negroes...
Of course he was against multinational companies who when allowed will control even our lives....
Do you know that at US we are watched as if we like an enemy by our own government...
please consider these words...........

Silverfiddle said...

senkumar: I twisted nothing. I presented his words as quoted.

I notice you skipped over his comments on Mexicans, killing and hatred.

So only uninational companies are good?

We agree that "homeland security" has gotten way out of hand and is trampling our God-given rights.

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