Friday, August 13, 2010

Federal Government: Too Big to Succeed

John Stossel:  Free enterprise does everything better
Why? Because if private companies don't do things efficiently,they lose money and die. Unlike government, they cannot compelpayment through the power to tax.
Notice how every government "solution" involves more of what caused the problem in the first place? And how more money and more bureaucracy are always involved as well?"Oh yeah!"  Sneers the progressive.  "What about public roads?  Huh?  Huh?"

Private enterprise does roads better than government
In 1995, a private road company added two lanes in the middle ofCalifornia Highway 91, right where the median strip used to be. Itthen used "congestion pricing" to let some drivers pay to speedpast rush-hour traffic. Using the principles of supply and demand,road operators charge higher tolls at times of day when demand ishigh. [...]  Bureaucrats were skeptical. Nowcongestion pricing is a hot idea for both private and public roadmanagement systems.
He provides two more examples from France and Indiana.  Cheaper, better, faster is not in the bureaucrats' lexicon.  E-470 that skirts Denver to the east is one more example right here in Colorado.  Democratic governor Dick Lamm refused to fund a bypass, so businessmen got together and built one themselves, and it is a well-used, money-making road.  If I need to get to the airport or skirt around Denver in a hurry, I pay to use it.  If I'm not pressed for time, I don't.  

Michael Medved Piles On: The Most Dangerous Corporation in the World

What's the most powerful, arrogant and dangerous corporation in the world?
No corporation on the planet comes close to the United States government in sheer magnitude, or unimaginable, unprecedented power. The nation's top 100 corporations combined still fall far short of the behemoth in Washington, D.C., which conducts extensive operations in agriculture, weapons production, medical care, housing, real estate, education, mail delivery, policing, resource development, banking, the arts, security services, food provision, transportation and much, much more. 

Within five years, federal spending will consume 25% of every dollar generated by the private economy.

...they (Tea partiers, and a growing cohort of independents) focus on the federal deficit "not because it presents an imminent crisis of its own, necessarily, but because it signifies a kind of institutional recklessness, a disconnectedness from the reality of daily life."
The public also understands that such recklessness, such unsustainable spending, would bring individuals or small businesses to rapid financial ruin; only the largest corporations, and the federal government itself, can get away with long-standing patterns of irresponsibility. The contrast raises the painful issue of double standards: the application of different rules for the people and the powerful (a designation that includes both governmental and corporate elites).
If government had to run itself like a business and follow the rules it makes everyone else follow, we would not be in the mess we are in.


Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

..."they (Tea partiers, and a growing cohort of independents) focus on the federal deficit "not because it presents an imminent crisis of its own, necessarily, but because it signifies a kind of institutional recklessness, a disconnectedness from the reality of daily life."

So well put!

I do not agree 100% with Medved (but then again who does with anyone person really) but that really summed it all up perfectly.

Leticia said...

If the government ran itself like a business, they would be a lot more conservative in their spending, handing out raises, etc. And the handouts would cease to exist. Structure is necessary.

WomanHonorThyself said...

Hussein hates the private sector and we all know it! I'm bacccck! sorta

Ray said...

Perfect pic and headline because that's exactly what they are...too filled with bureaucracy and red tape to do anything effectively.

Example, It now takes almost three years to qualify for disability for sick people formerly working, and yet still 1/2 the people they let through the gates after all that time are still fraudsters.

I could go forever on the fraud in the Welfare world for mostly people who've never worked a day in their lives.

The labyrinth of paperwork in this city and that city to this file for that file makes it all ripe for the taking.. and the 'taking' they do. By the hundreds of billions.

Next problem, too many lawyers. We need to limit the law profession. They go hand in hand with the G man waste and that's a huge problem too.

Mustang said...

I keep wondering why no one will listen to our founding fathers.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington

When we turn our backs on the founding documents, we dismantle what they gave us. We cannot keep this up for long and still retain our Republic.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

"If government had to run itself like a business and follow the rules it makes everyone else follow, we would not be in the mess we are in."

Yea, like that will ever happen!

Always On Watch said...

Notice how every government "solution" involves more of what caused the problem in the first place?

How to convince most Americans of that fact?

Silverfiddle said...

I guess if the answers were easy we'd all be in agreement...

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