Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: End Notes

Not my car, thank God

Well, we finally got snow, and boy did it bollix things up...

My wife sees the hand of God in everything, from helping us to not be late for some important event to little league games.  I'm not so sure.  Yeah, I believe in God, but does He personally intervene in sporting events or help us grab that last 50% off item in the bargain bin?  I don't know...

Today at work someone commented on a Men's Health magazine sitting around.  He related how he was reading an issue that contained an article about testicular cancer.  To his horror, he recognized the symptoms, hurried to the doctor, and found himself in cancer surgery the next day.  He's OK now.  It reminded me of my mom's cancer story.  Thank God she too is cancer free after an early 2010 operation.

That's not my car, thank God
It's been snowing in the mountains like crazy.  Monarch Mountain got over three feet; so much that we couldn't get there to enjoy skiing the powder.  It finally snowed here in town today, and on my way home I was trying to call Mrs. Silverfiddle.  She was with the little one at a doctor appointment and I was thinking of her because she hates driving when it's all slippery, and there were car wrecks all over town.  I was going to offer to pick her and little Silverfiddle up but couldn't get ahold of her.

Turns out she forgot her cell phone, had gotten stuck by the Dollar Store near our house, and decided to abandon the ol' minivan and walk home.  I was in the vicinity since I stopped by the Safeway to pick up some Safeway pizzas for us to eat that evening.  It looked like a demolition derby out there.  I spotted our old van next to the curb.  Most of the accidents behind it had been cleared, so I put it in reverse, backed down the hill and into a parking lot.  Having rescued it, I went ahead and drove it home, bundled up and walked back to get my car and bring it home.

I ended up helping two families get their cars out of the road and parked.  They just couldn't get up the hill.  It's so hilly here, and we have so many Californians and Texans driving little cars or rear wheel vehicles that have no business out in this kind of weather.

I should have headed home, but the guy in me kicked in

I have a Ford Escape, and it's a billy goat.  I take a certain un-Christian satisfaction in driving uphill and roaring past the helpless poor suckers hopelessly spinning and slipping and sliding.  I earned it.  I drove an old rear wheel drive Ford Ranger for ten years.  I knew every hill and how to time every light, and I never got stuck, even in the worst snow storm.

I drove down closed roads, the steeper the better, and ended up helping various people.  I was heartened to see teens out at every stop, happily helping people through slippery intersections.  At one stop at the bottom of a hill, I told the kids that the car we were pushing would never make it up the hill.  "No problem, we're parking him up on the right.  We've got it under control."  And they did.  There was a line of cars parked on the right hand side, and another teen was helping those who wanted to do a U-turn and retreat down the hill.

I got home and brought the mail to our elderly friend across the street.  She enjoyed my adventure story of the icy chaos and offered me a rum punch to get me home.  I told her I had a twelve pack in the car, I'd earned it.  She just laughed as I headed out the door.

I brought in our mail, and our second grader's teacher, a dear woman who has had the pleasure?  misfortune? of teaching all of our kids sent a nice card with a note to each one.  I clicked on the Christmas lights as each kid read their card thanking them for the gift card we had sent her.  Teachers spend so much of their own money on supplies for some of the poorer students.  It was the least we could do for her.

Merry Christmas!  From me to me...

I finally broke down and got myself an electronical tuner.  I'm so old school I'd always disdained such modern contrivances.  An older folkie buddy came over and had one, so I figured it was time.  It doesn't just work for guitars.  It works on anything.  It automatically detects the note and tells you if it's sharp or flat.  I  tuned up all my guitars, mandolins and fiddles, and the fretless acoustic bass.  My ear may be going--instruments I thought were in tune were not.  The Guild has never sounded better...

Anyway, It's been a great 2010, and I pray for an even better 2011.

I wish you and yours a most prosperous 2011, filled with love and good cheer.


Always On Watch said...

Happy New Year, Silverfiddle!

My finding your site was one of my personal highlights of 2010, a year that sucked overall as far I'm concerned. At least toward the end of the year, things in this household started improving.

Silverfiddle said...

Thank you for the kind words! I am humbled.

I really believe the internet and the blogisphere has contributed to a conservative resurgence in this nation. We never realized there were literally tens of millions of us.

I am proud to be fighting the good fight alongside you and the other denizens of Right Blogistan.

I know from reading you that it has been challenging for you and Mr. AOW as you grapple with his health issues.

Your icon really suits you.

I wish you, Mr. AOW and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

Trestin said...

Happy New Year! Let's hope it is a lot better than the last.

Lisa said...

I enjoyed your snow story especially about the Californians and Texans who have no business driving the small cars on those roads and the rum punch of course.
My brother lived in Colorado for a short while once and said one day it could snow and the next day be 70 degrees. Is that so?
Here on LI we started digging out of our 2 feet with our electric snowblower and 3 young guys came by in a pickup with their gas powered blower stopped in front of the house and I say "How Much"? 20.00 they said. That's all they had to say being we have a double driveway,10 stairs up to the front door that are also 6 feet wide it was a bargain.
I said I will give them another twenty to do the back walkway and the stairs on our back deck so the dog can go up and down.
I called my 2 neighbors across the street,my next door neighbor,my disabled friend and they were all more than happy to have them do their houses too as were the guys.
In the 11 years I am here this s he first time young guys came by to shovel so I made sure to get their numbers in case we get walloped again like that.
I do say thought today it is sunny and tomorrow we are getting 45 degree weather,definitely a heat wave.
Have a great New Years SF and we will keep fighting the good fight right until Nov 2012 and beyond!

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...


Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

Silver what a delightfully positive view of bad weather and 2010. I wish you were my neighbor. You always exhibit the best of the American spirit. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Silver.

Silverfiddle said...

Thank you Maggie! and also Christopher and Tristan as well.

Yes Lisa, it's true. We can go from blizzard to a 60-something day all in one week. That's what makes it so nice here. Winter is not one long deep freeze.

Proof said...

Another Guild man! I always knew you had good taste! I have both a six and a 12 string Guild.

Your "Men's Health magazine" story reminded me of a sports story, where a major league baseball player was hit in the crotch with a 90MPH fast ball. As painful as that sounds to everyone concerned, he was taken to the hospital, where it was discovered that he, too, had testicular cancer and hadn't suspected a thing. Had it not been for that errant fastball, who knows how bad it might have gotten?

Sometimes our blessings come in disguise...

Silverfiddle said...

I've had my Guild since 1985. I like to remind my wife I've it longer than I've had her...

I like the feel and brashness of a Martin, but a good Guild just sounds better and better the older it gets.

Happy new year!

Jersey McJones said...

All I have left of my playing days is my old Vantage V and an old Appalacian, hand-made dulcimer. That's it. Never stop playing. It's good for the soul.

Happy New Years! JMJ

Silverfiddle said...


You've got a dulcimer? I see you in a whole new light! That's about the only bluegrass instrument I've never played.

You are right, my friend, playing music is indeed good for the soul.

Happy New Year Jersey!

Bob Belvedere said...

-Happy New Year to You and Yours.

-We up here in New England always have a hearty laugh watching the new college kids from outside the region try to drive in the snow.

-The Guild is a damn fine instrument - what rich sound.

Silverfiddle said...

Thanks Bob. Looks like the internet Guild guild of Right Blogistan is larger than I thought!

Like New England, our biggest traffic problems are caused by people not from around here.

in the vanguard said...

Hey friend:

You say, "Yeah, I believe in God, but does He personally intervene in sporting events or help us grab that last 50% off item in the bargain bin? I don't know... "

Here's my two cents on this issue:
Not only is there intervention in sporting events, but, down do the smallest quark, and up to the greatest cosmological galaxy - is under his minute, constant control.

Says Maimonides, well if that's so, then ultimately there's no free choice, where we have commandments to follow yet they operate under the Hand of divine providence. He answers his own question - Yes, we DO have free choice, but because G-d is above time, and because to Him past, present and future are tied into one, there IS divine providence and, AT THE SAME TIME, our free choice.

Says he further, the fact that we humans cannot understand the mechanics of this truth - is because we're only human - and humanly limited.

Silverfiddle said...

Vanguard: Wow! You are a much deeper thinker than I. Thank you for the explanation; you make a complex subject understandable.

I do get what you are saying. Reminds me of a Peter Kreeft book I read awhile back, "Everything you ever wanted to know about Heaven..."

Thanks for stopping by!

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