Thursday, December 2, 2010

Start Hoarding Whipped Cream!

Uh oh. Alcohol-laced whipped cream is on the verge of being banned. Following current logic, anything abused by irresponsible college students must be banned for all.  Back in my military days we called policies like the Four Loko ban, "If one guy craps his pants we all gotta wear diapers."

The federal government ordered the makers of Four Loko to change its dangerous combination of caffeine and alcohol to something safer. However, it's not just beverages getting the controversial boost, its whipped cream too.
But the whipped cream libertines won't let it go without a fight!
"I think it's awesome, you can throw it on some Jell-O shots. It'd be fantastic," UCF student Bo Frisby said.
Liquor stores around the UCF area said the new form of booze is flying off the shelves.

"I'm not surprised, it's college. I'm not surprised at all actually. I'm actually shocked they didn't come up with it sooner," UCF student John Washington said. (WFTV.COM )
How to Severely Restrict College Drinking Binges
College today is just not that challenging.  We have people graduating that can't think logically or communicate coherently.  It's no surprise that a college degree is just not a big deal anymore.  If you can stagger your way through it stoned, it’s not that great of an achievement

Here’s how you stop college kids from abusing alcohol: Increase the workload and inject some actual academic rigor back into higher education.

A coworker of mine went to the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, and he tells a familiar tale. It is perhaps the least “fun” non-religious campus in the US. Why? Because the course work is killer. Take a pause to blow your brains out on alcohol or drugs and you fall behind and eventually flunk out. End of semester is the only party time this school sees.

As a bonus, my solution will also improve the standing of the United States by producing productive college graduates who are actually ready to enter the workforce and contribute to our economic greatness.

What do you think?


Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

It's only logical. But another problem is where the students come from,,the public high school system.

Being they are dumbed down in the first place, colleges have lowered there standards for entrance and of course the material being they have to teach the basics all over again.

At this point, I see the faculty joining the students at the party.

Rob said...

When kids are forced to personally understand cause & effect - the cost (financial and otherwise) of their actions - they value what they have much more. And it should begin when they're very young while the price paid is relatively trivial. Choices and consequences are the ultimate teacher.

So I'm all for notching up on the academic workload but another way to encourage college kids to ease off on the boozing and partying is to simply make students foot the bill!

If you're humping a job to pay for your classes, you're much more likely to be mindful of making the most of the money you're spending on school. And you're going to have a lot less disposable income - and free time - to piddle away on party time if you're spending your own money on classes & books.

WomanHonorThyself said...

my solution will also improve the standing of the United States by producing productive college graduates who are actually ready to enter the workforce and contribute to our economic greatness...I'm with u my friend!

Silverfiddle said...

You've nailed it, Rob.

So much of life today is designed to shield people from the consequences of their actions, and therein lies much of the problem.

Brooke said...

I got really, really drunk once. Thankfully I was with decent people...

The aftermath of that, both the thoughts of what could have happened and the pain of recovering from the alcohol was a powerful teacher. Ugh. Never again.

I hate nanny gov't. I'd rather let those smart enough to know better or at least learn their lesson prevail. Isn't it the leftists that are usually Darwinists, after all? ;)

Always On Watch said...

Here’s how you stop college kids from abusing alcohol: Increase the workload and inject some actual academic rigor back into higher education.

Yes, indeed.

For two additional reasons, I didn't party my way through college:

1. I was paying a sizable chunk of my own tuition and didn't want the money to go to waste.

2. My parent would have whipped my ass if I'd let my grades drop or got caught at some wild party.

Leticia said...

College is supposed to be more challenging and a lot more difficult than high school curriculum.

Are the professors daft? Do they not see that these students need to be challenged, to be given a full work load and not a lot of free time.

I hear of many college students continually changing their majors and staying in college a lot longer than they are supposed to.

Parents, professors and the college administration need to quit babying these kids and start making them work for their grades and degrees.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Get all the damn liberals out of the our education system and you just might end up with far smarter students and graduates.

Finntann said...

You would not believe, in my daily work, the number of people with Master's degrees I deal with who can't put a coherent thought on paper.

The real killer, is they don't even care and think it unimportant. The prevalent attitude is "well you got what I meant didn't you?"

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