Monday, September 20, 2010

What The...???

My favorite Word Verification words of all time
You know, those weird shaped words you have to type before posting a comment on someone's blog?  Some almost look like real words, other are mutated words, and some are just funny.

Here are my favorites so far:

Criery - This as I was responding to another lefty blog rant about how racist white conservatives hate the president

angsigh - Joe Biden talking about "Recovery Summer" as I look for a job...  Angst, Anger!  Sigh...

squent - If I close my eyes half way...  It almost looks like a real word...

crumshitz - Pelosi, Obama, Biden...  Needs no further explanation

Dinglam - Showed up appropriately in a British libertarian blog complaining about the latest actions of the EU overlords.  Appropriate because the word conjures images of a bedlam run by dingbats

Canda - Is it a country, or is it a big, cute bear?

Someone posted my "Liberals are Afraid of Conservative Women" on a weirdo alien conspiracy web site, and it produced some entertaining, and vulgar comments.  Don't go there if you're easily offended.

Here's my favorite (clean) comment.  I'd never heard someone called a "pie wagon" before:

Because all the Liberal fat dowdy pie wagons are jealous.
They'd be much more happy if every woman looked like Fred Flinstone/Elana's all about everything "even" and "Fair"'s why they hate sports...cause someone's why they hate hot chicks, cause she's hotter than somebody else...all the losers and cow faced skags feel sad when somebody scores a win or is pretty. They want everyone and everything to some sort or gray homogenized pablum

Have a happy Monday!


Mark Adams said...

Silver, "THE WILDING OF SARAH PALIN" THAT was a POWERFUL statement, to say the least.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah, I'd read that before at American Thinker. It is a beautifully written piece full of great stuff. I love this quote:

those ponytailed guys were marching for abortion rights not because they cherished women's reproductive freedom, but to keep women available for free and easy sex.

I recommend everyone go read this brilliant article at American Thinker

TKZ said...

I agree! The Wilding of Sarah Palin is a must-read article.

"dowdy pie wagons"
I love it. Hahaha

Sue said...

sounds very much like a Nikki I know...

Silverfiddle said...

Sue: Personally, I'm not one to indulge in gratuitous vulgar name-calling. But for some reason I take a sophomoric pleasure seeing other do it. It's a guilty pleasure.

Linda said...

Thank you for the heads up on the article in American Thinker. It has amazed me for quite a while that more liberals don't question the unexplainable vile hatred directed at Sarah Palin and her family. This excellent article was revealing, encouraging, and somehow oddly depressing.

Leticia said...

Come to think of it some of those verification words are pretty funny and I love how you grouped them into laughable sentences!

Well done!

Silverfiddle said...

Thanks Leticia. I found them funny and thought I would share the laugh.

Linda: I too am surprised why more women, regardless of whether the like or hate Palin, still do not stand up and cry foul on how vilely she is treated.

You would think that intelligent people could take such a stand. Especially liberals, who pride themselves on taking "nuanced" positions.

I do not like Hillary's politics, but I thought she was treated unfairly in the primaries.

Arthurstone said...

Sue: Personally, I'm not one to indulge in gratuitous vulgar name-calling...

"Sicko libtards are gleefully clicking their heels over data showing America’s middle class may be shrinking..."

Thanks for the chuckle Silverfiddle.

Silverfiddle said...

Well Arthur, it's technically not ad hominem since I directed it at a nebulous group of people (you know who you are).

I guess I could say I don't call my interlocutors names.

Also, I don't believe in using people's physical attributes as insults (fatty, old bastard, etc.)

I admit it's a weak defense, so go tell the blog police...

Jersey McJones said...

Hey! I'm a liberal who loves sports (particularly football) and has a hot wife (who happens to be even more liberal than me)!


Silverfiddle said...

You're a rare breed, Jersey.

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