I've stayed away from the Tiger Woods thing because I don't really care. We're all human. OJ slashed a couple of people to death, Michael Vick is a menace to man's best friend, President Clinton redefined sex for a new generation, and the Catholic Church hid it's pedo problem to the horrible detriment of its followers.
This is why I have taught my kids to avoid hero worship, especially celebrities. You can admire the way someone plays the violin or hits a little ball, but by no means put any human being upon a pedestal. Put your trust in God and all others pay cash. From Ghandi to Hitler, we're all pink on the inside.
Have you seen the New Tiger Nike commercial?
You know, the one where Earl comes back from the grave to scold his son? It is sad and disgusting all at once, using his father's memory to sell nike crap. If you buy stuff because a celebrity tells you to, you really need to look inside yourself and examine your values. For once, I agree with something in the NY Times...
The parodies are much better than this corporate crap. Go see for yourself...
HT to Blogger buddy Ben Franklin
I have to tell you, this one has me on the fence. On the one hand, I think it is utterly disgusting to use Tiger's dead father to sell Nike products; however I also feel there is an aspect of this that humbles Tiger a bit. He has too see this every day and realize what a tool he was/is.
Full disclosure, I am in marketing so I appreciate successful and different marketing ideas. I just don't know if this qualifies..
I just think this is the flip side of tabloid sensationalism. How can his defenders criticize the media for exploiting this when he himself now exploits it for financial gain?
I had admired Tiger for the way he handled himself at such a young age, and I tended to give his dad (and mom) a lot of credit.
I just find using his dad's words in the commercial disgusting. I freely admit I'm probably out of the mainstream on this one.
Celebrity worship is common among teenagers and somewhat normal as well.
However, adulthood, real adulthood, means not giving such adulation. It's fantasy - not reality.
And a human being so venerated will disappoint, sooner or later.
As for Tiger Woods, I'm getting so that I can't stand the sight of him. He's clearly manipulative.
I will not be watching the masters this year primarily because of all the coverage he is getting over this. It was bad before with "all Tiger all the time" coverage; now with this added in it is insane.
Your opening line summed it up for me.
As usual, your philosphical point is valid, Silver. Unfortunately for me, my ox would be the one to get gored at the end of the day.
Yes, Fredd's ox - Nike,Inc. - is the primary benefactor of Fredd's beloved alma mater, the Fighting Ducks of the University of Oregon. Mostly Phil Knight, the guy who invented Nike and current CEO, is the one who pops for all of those ugly football uniforms (all 700+ permuations of hideousness), and should all consumers of conscience opt to buy Adidas from now on instead of allowing a pass on the Tiger Woods shameless use of his dead dad to schill shoes, and force Nike into a poor financial condition, who would foot the (enormous) bill for the Ducks' ever worsening sartorial tastes in football uniforms?
I don't even want to think about it.....
hey silver~1 This is why I have taught my kids to avoid hero worship, especially celebrities...amen to that !:)
Since I won't buy Nike, won't contribute to the Bush-Clinton Haiti Fundation, could careless about Michael Vick or football I really think you are wasting a few kilobytes of blogspot.com. Please don't turn like CNN and MSNBC wasting soundbytes on celebrities. Instead, we should all be addressing issues that really affect and touch us all i.e. economony, jobs, and prosperity.
Bush and Cheney are responsible for thousands and thousands of dead Iraqis and Americans....
But I do like your concerns about hero worshipping...
Bush, Cheney, the CIA, the majority of the current congress, and the Islamic Terrorist (yes I said Islamic terrorist) all contributed to the death toll. Not really sure what your point was..
I'm not advocating a boycott of nike. I just think it's pathetic when people buy stuff because a celebrity told them to.
Anon: Please read back a little. You'll see I waste very little space on meaningless stuff like this.
Tiger Nike lost today anyway...
Newt 2012!!! "Bringing us all back to the top"
Anon @ 4/11/10 8:53 PM:
Are you serious?
Do you remeber NY-23?
Please look it up and see what Newt does.
I agree, Christopher. Newt has passed his expiration date...
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