Monday, April 12, 2010

Liberals are Tea Party Poopers

People always fear what they do not understand and attempt to marginalize what they cannot control.  (MySA - Jonathan Gurwitz)
Fear and Loathing on the Left
As many of you know, I've been traveling around the left side of Blogostan, engaging in dialog with the native liberals there.  Some are sincere and articulate--but the vast majority just seems angry, unhinged and vulgar.  Most lefty blogging concentrates on MSNBC-based personal attacks on Palin, Bachmann (where are the feminists?) or any conservative deemed hate-worthy by the Ministry of Propaganda.

We're All Racists Now
The latest diktat directs loyal liberal statists to scream "RACIST!" at all conservatives, especially "tea baggers."  News outlets dutifully comply, combing the country for statistical outliers and the oddball bigot, then trumpeting the "news" from the minarets.

So the slobbering leftwing wackadoos keep shouting bullshit into the echo chamber; a cacophony of hooting loons and cawing boobies exchanging hysterical calls into the dark night of ignorance: 

"Racist rednecks!"
"Christian Hypocrites!"
"Keith Olbermann said so!"

Stories about black conservatives taking heat for having the temerity to leave the Democrat plantation are hard to find.
(AP) - They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president.   
The Times They are a Changin'
Demographic surveys show that the tea party, unlike the Obama cabinet "looks like America."
But thanks to some recent polling, a less distorted image of the tea party movement is emerging. For starters, it's not inordinately composed of angry white men. A USA Today/Gallup poll found that 79 percent of tea party supporters are white — compared with 75 percent of the general population — and 45 percent are women.

Tea partiers aren't all GOP stooges either. The same poll also revealed that 49 percent of tea party supporters are Republican, 43 percent are independent and 8 percent are Democrat. (MySA - Jonathan Gurwitz)

Winning theWhite House, The House and Senate has not calmed the fiery rage burning brightly on the left.  Instead, the flames are climbing higher.  America has rejected them, so they will continue to lash out, slash out, and spew their foaming hatred on the vast majority that disagrees with them.  Things could get ugly.  Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned...


TKZ said...

April 16th news headline: "Mother of 2 punches Liberal troll at tax day tea party"

Hopefully they don't show up. I don't want to go to jail. (j/k) ;o)

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

I pray the left keeps it up.

Just like "Its Bushs fault", the more it is said the more it rings hollow and grows very old and tiresome.

Fredd said...

Christopher's correct. 'It's Bush's fault' is as effective as saying 'Impeach Nixon!' Both, however, seem to luxuriously roll off the liberal tongue and are accordingly a tough habit to kick.

It had impact in its day, but that day has come and gone.

Leticia said...

Liberals have to always find a scapegoat and now they have two, President Bush and the TEA Party movement.

They lack the ability to lay blame where it really belongs.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

These leftist liberal morons remind me of spoiled little four year-olds that just refuse to grow up.

Silverfiddle said...

So true Reverend, which is why they look to the state as mommy and daddy.

TKZ: I'm glad you're joking. I'd have to see you on the evening news as the lib's exhibit A!

Always On Watch said...

The latest diktat directs loyal liberal statists to scream "RACIST!" at all conservatives, especially "tea baggers."

Being accused of racism for my opposition to BHO used to bother me. Well, a little bit, anyway.

Now, I don't give a damn about the accusation because it is what a leftist hurls when he doesn't have a cogent reply.

Capt. Fogg said...

"People always fear what they do not understand and attempt to marginalize what they cannot control."

That's actually a bastardized quote from Goethe or very close to it:

"Wir sind gewohnt, das die Menchen verhonen was sie nicht verstehen."

The tea people don't need anyone to marginalize them, they've done such a beautiful job already that the real conservatives don't want to be seen with them and even the reactionary right is beginning to pretend they never supported them.

Nearly all these geniuses got a tax break this year. I didn't, so forgive me if I laugh at the idea that this is a movement whose time has come. It isn't.

Capt. Fogg said...

"These leftist liberal morons remind me of spoiled little four year-olds that just refuse to grow up"

Yes, sir, that's right on the mark. 7 figure income, gun nut with an IQ in the 5th standard deviation and yes, sir, the rage is all mine, none of your pompous, puffed up bragging about yourself is out of place at all.

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