Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Karzai Follows Obama's Lead

Afghan President Hamid Karzai threatens to join the Taliban

No surprise. He's just following President Obama's example. You know, the man who has slapped down faithful friends Poland, Czech Republic, Colombia, Honduras and Israel?

President Obama, the man who blows kisses to the teeming Muslim hordes who hates our guts.  The man who shakes hands with Anti-American mad dog, Hugo "Fidelito" Chavez of Venezuela while writing love letters to the mad mullas of Iran.

More Obama-Karzai Comparisons
Further comparisons between Karzai and Obama are stunning:  A once hailed politician who now looks craven, a smooth operator turned brittle and erratic, a thoughtful leader exposed as feckless and naive...
(insert your own comparisons here)

So by joining the Taliban, Karzai is merely catching the American wave.  Who said we can't change hearts and minds?


Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Its all Bushs fault.

Silverfiddle said...

Yes indeed. And we just haven't given Obama enough time. We'll know the Democrats are done when we're bankrupt and the county is destroyed.

BTW, I want us to succeed in Afghanistan. I do not will for bad things to happen there, I just thought this was an interesting comparison to make.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Yea, but won't it be great for Karzi to join the Taliban?????

Mmmm,,Obamas fault????

WomanHonorThyself said...

Huuuuuuuuuuusein Obama, the man who blows kisses to the teeming Muslim hordes who hates our guts...yesiree my friend...great minds blog alike:)

Ray said...

That's true Kurt, good point. And Obumble should be forever disgraced for his obvious Muslim-like jew hater treatment of Netanyahu a couple weeks ago.

AProlefrom1984 said...

Nigeria has a big problem with islamists. several acts of terrorism against non muslims happen daily within that country. The man responsible for this islamism is a former military dictator who was so brutal and fanatical in his so called religion, Christian journalists were letter bombed during his regime. Nigeria has elections in January 2011. Obama is very keen for this evil islamist to ruin Nigeria again and has sent Carson from the State Dept to meet him. Some Nigerian undesirables in your country apparently have been sponsored to launch a presidential campaign for this evil man called Babangida, using American funds. The question puzzling us all of Nigerian background is, why does the US govt hate Christians in Nigeria so much? Why would your president wish to see an evil islamist in power in nigeria? Please contact your congressmen/senators to find out what's going on. And like you I'm really puzzled about what the US govt is doing to Israel. If Jerusalem isn't managed by Israel then all Christian heritage sites would be wiped out for starters. Why is the US govt now acting like the islamic loving UK foreign office?
The above website shows what a jolly fellow this Babangida is, including drug dealing, murders, and the investigations carried out on him by USA civil society groups. What's wrong with the US govt that they should seek to foster this terrorist and murderer on long suffering Nigerians? We're now in a strange state of affairs where Gaddafi appears to have more human compassion for Nigerian Christians than the US govt.

Silverfiddle said...

Prole: Thanks for the information. You brought out some interesting things I had not heard before.

I have no idea what motivates this man. I tend to think he is just dumb or naive, as are his advisers...

Always On Watch said...

Totally expected - with BHO's having announced some time back that we can ally ourselves with some of the Talibanmaniacs.

AProlefrom1984 said...

Maybe Hussain is naive, maybe it's something else. I think he wants to realign USA. The sidelining of Israel worries me a lot as it'll have a knock on effect on so many things.
I feel voters didn't examine Obama closely for fear of being called racist or disloyal (if they're African American)

Anonymous said...

Where is the shoe thrower guy now that we need him most?

Silverfiddle said...

LOL! Good on, Anon!

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