Rep Peter King (R-NY) will convene hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in America.
Some good may come of this. Getting the issues out in the open, starting a dialog and hearing from Muslims themselves could be a good thing.
Misperceptions abound on both sides. Here's a common complaint:
“There is a generalized sense of Islamophobia floating around, and the hearings are not doing anything to assuage Muslim fears.” (CNN - Islam Hearings)Wrong!
America is clearly not in the grip of Islamophobia (unless you count the press voluntarily bowing to Islamic pressure groups). "Phobia" is an irrational fear of something. Our concerns are quite rational. Americans look at the Muslim world and we don't like what we see.
More importantly, we don't want the misogynistic dysfunction and violent religious agitation freakshow setting up its tents here. Sharia is not compatible with our constitutional republicanism. We don't stone adulteresses (or even call them that), and we don't execute blasphemers. We like out beer, boobs and bratwurst barbecue, and we like our violence to be random and non-religious.
Here's another reason we need hearings:
The efforts come a little more than six months after many Muslims were blindsided by a wave of national opposition to a proposed Islamic cultural center near New York’s ground zero last summer.The fact that they were "blindsided" by the national outcry against planting a mosque anywhere near the site where Muslims killed 3000 people show just how out of touch (or arrogant) the authors of this idea are.
Still, they are joining King's debate. CAIR and other organizations plan to “start offering facts about American Muslims and their role in helping prevent attacks on our nation,” ahead of King’s hearings, says Corey Saylor, the group’s national legislative director...
If nothing else, I hope these hearings deflate the false charges of "hate" and "Anti-Muslim" that is constantly hurled at good Americans. Speaking out against a religion or denigrating it's culture or values is not hate. Christians put up with it every day.
Religious Hate Crimes? Ask a Jew
Of the 1,575 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:So I look forward to these hearings. I want to hear good Muslim-Americans stand up and proudly talk about how they are fighting the religious intolerance and bigotry that spills out from the horrible countries they have fled. I want to hear them talk about how our constitution trumps religious-based laws.
- 71.9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
- 8.4 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias. (FBI)
America's track record is pretty clear. We are a tolerant people. We have welcomed hundreds of thousands of Muslims and will continue to do so as long as they recognize the primacy of the constitution, respect the God-given rights of others, and refrain from honor killings and decapitations.
Further Reading:
Mark Steyn - Muslims in Europe
USA Today - Rally to Protest
King despises CAIR -- a strong point in King's favor, IMO.
I hope that King will call some real experts on Islam to testify in these hearings. Robert Spencer should be on the list; reference his book Stealth Jihad. Also on the list should be Dr. Wafa Sultan, Brigitte Gabriel, and Dr. Walid Phares. I think that Dr. Phares is supposed to testify, but I haven't verified that.
I want to hear good Muslim-Americans stand up and proudly talk about how they are fighting the religious intolerance and bigotry that spills out from the horrible countries they have fled. I want to hear them talk about how our constitution trumps religious-based laws.
Well, I wouldn't hold my breath for that -- with the possible exception of Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.
I would also like to hear some Europeans testify to what is going on over there. Geert Wilders and Abigail Esman come to mind.
The most powerful testimony could come from Molly Norris, now in hiding right here in the US of A because practitioners of the religion of pieces threatened to kill her over some cartoons.
I also hope Dr Fouad Ajami testifies, he is a wise and learned man.
I understand from Geller and Spencer's sites that King has removed anyone that might speak honestly and frankly about Islam.
God Bless Peter King, we need more like him.
"We like out beer, boobs and bratwurst barbecue, and we like our violence to be random and non-religious"
Classic Silver, just classic!
As to the hearings Shane is correct and that means the hearings will be of absolutely no value whatsoever.
We posted about the same thing. Good, let's keep it going!
To clarify: Do you oppose the Muslim center being built near Ground Zero?
Divine: Here is my wishy-washy answer:
No, I do not. However, I recognize their legal right to do so.
If they are really trying to build bridges, pissing off over half the country sure is a funny way to show it.
Well, Peter King is the last person you'd want to investigate anything. He's a fear-mongerer of the worst sort. As I wrote on the Tygrrrr Express today, "Rep. King is a just a Muslim-baiter. As Tom Tancredo was to “Illegal Immigrants,” King is to Muslims. Just another one-note wonder pandering to our lesser angels of fear."
HSA, the FBI, et al, are all keeping an eye on those who would radicalize our Muslim youth. Peter King has neither the sense nor the honesty nor the integrity to be of any value in this matter.
Thanks, Silver.
I posed this question to my Muslim neighbor and his answer was much the same as your own.
File this under "Just because you CAN do something doesn't necessarily mean that you SHOULD".
I probably need a clarification here: are we xenophobic, or Islamophobic? I don’t think the press can have it both ways. If we have a choice of one or the other, I’d like to choose Islamophobic with a footnote: it is not “unreasonable fear” when ten-million Moslem douche bags get up every morning wondering how they can murder, rape, or torture someone (even a fellow Moslem will do when an infidel cannot be found). Personally, I think the entire concept of moderate Islam follows the “Once Upon a Time” scenario —you know, along with garden fairies and unicorns.
Mustang, are you trying to tell me that garden faeries and Unicorns aren't real?
You're not Irish, are you?
I do not hold out very much hope of these hearings resulting in any good, because it is Muslim teaching that it is permissible for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims if it will benefit Islam. So with CAIR testifying, how are we to know that their testimony is the truth?
The most powerful testimony could come from Molly Norris, now in hiding right here in the US of A because practitioners of the religion of pieces threatened to kill her over some cartoons.
As far as I've heard, she will not appear. Maybe I've missed that news?
AOW: Unfortunately, this was just wishful thinking on my part. I think her testimony would be powerful. It is a shame she is still in hiding from muslim extremists, right here in America.
These hearings are ugly, shameful and embarrassi¬ng. It is so easy to prey on fear and demonize people because of their religion. It has been done to Jews, Catholics and Muslims.What we need is dialog. Many Americans fear Muslims and these hearing will only whip up more fear, hatred and suspicion on both sides. Of course there are Muslim radicals. As we see from Westboro, there are also Christian radicals.
Atlanta Roofing:
So how may heads has Westboro Baptist cut off?
I bet the Muzzies beat them in the fag killing, adultress stoning and head cutting categories...
C'mon, prove me wrong.
I guess we should accept honor killings here in the US?
People need to be aware of this practice so it doesn't slip through because we decide to "keep silent" about it.
If Islam was more of a religion and less of a culture maybe people would be more accepting go it.
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