Monday, June 21, 2010

Emanuel: Obama Golfing 'a big mistake'

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel blames bad PR skills for the photographs over the weekend of US President Barack Obama at a Golf Course in Southern Maryland. 

“Well, to quote Barack Obama, he's got to plug 18 holes, he would say,” Emanuel said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “And I think we can all conclude that Barack Obama is not going to have a second career in PR consulting. This has just been part of a long line of PR gaffes and mistakes.”

Golfing is “a big mistake,” Emanuel said, on par (ha ha, get it?  On "par") with him claiming his daughter had wandered into his presidential bathroom one morning and impertinently asked, "have you plugged that damned hole yet daddy?" 

But he said it’s the “substance” beyond the golf photo that matters.

“People will chew over this,” Emanuel said. “But don't take your eye off the major priorities and the key goals, that is dealing with the problem down on the 18th green, er...  I mean in the well, and dealing with the problems of the region as it makes as important the people getting the resources they need to restore their lives and restoring that coastline to it environmental purity that it had at one point.” (Politico)

An editorial apology
Oops!  I apologize.  My word processor accidentally substituted "Barack Obama" for "Tony Hayward," "President" for "BP Chief," and "Golfing" for "Yachting."  This is why reporterating should be left to the professional journalistic presstitutes...
Read More:  Obama  Goes Golfing Again


Mark Adams said...

Obama thinks he is on a 4 year vacation... Some leader....NOT

Ray said...

Obama has the attitude that 'if I look relaxed' and 'can act lik everything's all right' everyone will start believing it.

After all, my "obamabots" believe anything'..... proven by his election.

WomanHonorThyself said...

o yea thats what a commander in Chief should be doing during national crises!..NOT!

Snarky Basterd said...

The beauty of this is that the Regime criticized Hayward for yachting WHILE Obama was golfing (and after he went to a baseball game the night before) ... and the lamestream media said boo.

No wonder Rahmbo wants to quit. He's the only serious one there.

Trestin said...

Even Rahm knows this is too much. How more detached can our leaders be?

Sue said...

President Obama and his people should have known better. The way Bush was bashed for vacationing during a crisis should have been enough for Obama not to put himself in the same position. Shame on him.

Are ya surprised???

Fredd said...

Looks like he turned his head to follow the ball too early, and his right foot is pointing way too far down field.

Hmmmph. This guy couldn't hold a candle to Ike. Remember, though, the media crucified Ike on a daily basis for playing golf while the commies plotted our demise...

Silverfiddle said...

No Sue, I'm not surprised you'd say that. You aren't stupid by a long shot, just seriously misguided!

Nobody likes to see their guy make dumb political moves.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

The height of hypocrisy: Obummer out over the weekend whacking his balls, (called spending quality time with your daughters on Father's Day)and that is okay with the left, but it is a major CRIME for Tony Hayward to spend quality time with his son on a yacht.

Just don't bend over folks or else Obama will have many more damn holes to plug.

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