Monday, February 15, 2010

Evan Bayh: The Man Who Refused to Sell His Soul

We are looking at one of the few politicians who values his soul more than power

God bless Evan Bayh.  The man refused to eat the crap sandwich that is the Obama Agenda.  Six more years of trying to defend the indefensible?  Six years defending socialism that he doesn't agree with anyway?  Forget it.  He's gone.  Another sensible Democrat run off by the Chicago Syndicate.

Bayh reminds me of a young Senator named Al Gore.  Before Gore hooked up with the Clintons he was pro-life, pro-gun, pro-tobacco, and a defense hawk.  Had he won the 1988 Democratic nomination I would have voted for him over George H.W. Bush.

I'm glad I didn't because his U-turn on so many core issues was frightening.  Then he went on to lose the 2000 election, while trying to suppress the military vote, became completely unhinged and the rest is a tawdry tale of an enviro-evangelist...

Anyway, Congratulations Senator Bayh!  You are still too liberal for me, but you're a principled man, and that is rare for a politician nowadays.


Anonymous said...

good riddance to all the dumocrats!!!!!!!!

IKEonic said...

Dude, you better not let the Freepers know you would have voted for the 1988 version of Al Gore. :)

I almost voted for Clinton in 1992 but ended up not voting at all. I had just turned 18 and didn't get registered to vote in time. I was spending all my time doing what college boys do. I was also very naive and blissfully ignorant in my youth. I'd never support Clinton 1992 today, but I'd vote for him over Obama any day.

But as to Bayh, I think someone has the goods on him. Call me cynical, but it's very rare that a politician who's as electable as Bayh stepping down just because he's truly ready to move on. We may never find out the full story, but I bet somebody has the goods on him. Hope he's not yet another cheater...

Fredd said...

Sen. Evan Bayh (D-In)may have a principle or two in his body, but at the end of the day, he's still a Democrat.

He voted for all of the stimulus spending, for health care reform, and he's chomping at the bit to vote yes on cap and trade. His voting record is lousy with votes to spend, spend, spend, just like his ol' man Birch. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Don't get carried away, Silverfiddle. I haven't heard any rumors that he is planning on switching to the GOP anytime soon; the guy is still a Democrat, and that's not a good thing.

Silverfiddle said...

I know Fredd, it was just something I dashed off at the spur of the moment. I sincerely believe The Chicago Socialist Syndicate is running people out. People with a conscience just can't take it anymore. Just my opinion...

Leticia said...

I am very pleased to see another Democrat leave the more the better for our nation. They have done enough damage.

Good riddance.

Andrew33 said...

He was known as the Indiana "slut." Mary Landreu got 300 billion for her vote for health care...Bill Nelson got more...but Bayh gave his vote up for free!

Oso said...

Hi Silverfiddle,
I have to respectfully disagree with some of the thoughts expressed here about Obama. The Right sees him as having a socialist agenda. The left sees a certain amount of those qualities too.

When I look at the essential thrust of his administrations policy I see little difference from the Bush administration.

Obama supported the Tarp and continued to support bailouts of financial institutions. He reappointed Bernanke. His HCR package is a health insurance industry dream, 30 million mandated customers at taxpayer expense. His financial reform is toothless. His financial policy is overwhelmingly friendly to Wall St. I would hardly call that socialist. The planning doesn't come from the govt. I see a completely market driven policy with the F.I.RE sector calling the shots.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Perhaps our prayers are being answered, the Dems are either dying or dropping out of office.

For those who are dropping out, I don't care if it is because they are "seeing the light" or realizing that they cannot get reelected, just so long as they GO.

WomanHonorThyself said...

lets hope Rev Greg is right my friend!!!

Silverfiddle said...

"When I look at the essential thrust of his administrations policy I see little difference from the Bush administration."

Sadly, I'll have to give you that. All I can say is Bush was not conservative and I think (hope?, Pray!) that we have learned our lesson.

It is wrong for anyone to hijack the government, get in bed with big business, and use the coercive power of the state to advance a narrow agenda. We are not cattle to be herded; we are human beings with God-given rights and freedoms, including the freedom to fail.

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